
  • Portrait hotel terrasse am see vitznau swiss historic hotels 10

Cooperation partner - Historic Hotel AG

Our association founded the 100% subsidiary Historic Hotel AG (HHAG for short) in 2020. With this, we have created a way to remove hotel operations from speculation and to ensure the conservation of historic buildings as a cultural asset and for use as hotels. Examples from the past have shown that owners of historic hotels are sometimes forced to sell their businesses to companies that only pursue profit-specific goals. As a result, some valuable historic and cultural assets in Switzerland have been either lost completely or subjected to careless conversion.

HHAG purchased its first hotel in 2022, the Hotel Terrasse am See in Vitznau. More information on the Hotel Terrasse project.

Funding - Innotour

Innotour is supporting our Comunity Building project in 2023 and 2024 with a total of CHF 166,780. With our project, we want to use the special methods and tools of "community building" to reach people who feel that historic hotels in Switzerland are worth protecting or who consider the architectural and historic building fabric to be of significant interest or who simply gain an attitude to life from visiting a historic hotel.

Promoting innovation is the most important thrust of Innotour. Innotour aims to improve the climate for innovation in destinations, trigger innovation and thus strengthen the competitiveness of destinations. The promotion of innovation should start where the most significant weaknesses in the tourism offer exist. The focus is on creating new business opportunities and improving existing services.

Our supporters

Interha GmbH

As a member of our Benefactors' association, you will receive an exclusive personalised wooden member card. This is produced with a lot of love and care by our supporter, Interha GmbH, which enables us to produce the card free of charge. Thank you very much!