Write hotel history!
With the Patrons’ Clubs of the Friends of Swiss Historic Hotels

  • Hotel Waldhaus Chefs Table 02 1600x613 Kopie

The history of the Swiss hotel industry is unique. Contemporary witnesses of this impressive history are the historic hotels of Switzerland in particular.

However, the preservation of these hotels is in jeopardy. Economic pressure and the lack of succession solutions mean that these valuable buildings become objects of speculation and lose their original character through careless treatment.

Our Mission

  • We provide financial and technical support so that Switzerland’s historic hotels can maintain their architectural authenticity.
  • We prevent Swiss hotel tradition from being lost to speculative interests.
  • We bring the moving stories of Switzerland’s historic hotels to the public
Hotel Blume QUER 02 Intermediate state, shading of the ornament from the surrounding tendril
Hotel Blume QUER 01 Finished state

Executive Patrons' Club

The Executive Club members support our work with CHF 2'500 per year. Members enjoy various benefits and access to an exceptional network that we maintain with special occasions and events:

  • Annual themed event in a Swiss Historic Hotel
  • Special conditions for our events on overnight rates and supporting program
  • Transhelvetica subscription (free)
  • Advance booking right for the benefit and cultural trip and all our events
  • Passive membership in our association

Belle Époque Patrons' Club

As a Belle Époque Club member, you support our mission with an annual amount of CHF 10'000 in a select circle of people who have a special sympathy for historical hotels and an awareness of the Swiss hotel tradition. In addition to the benefits of the Executive Patrons' Club, you will enjoy other exclusive experiences:

  • Once a year unforgettable ‘Chef’s Table’ in a Swiss Historic Hotel together with selected guests of our association incl. overnight stay for two people
  • 2 VIP tickets to events supported by Swiss Historic Hotels
  • Special on-site restoration tours with our experts and exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses of our hotels

For the patrons' club membership fees you will receive a donation confirmation for the tax deduction.

Jubiläum SHH35 Our ambassador in Sils
2024 02 21 063116 033 Construction site Grand Hotel Locarno
Foto1 Restorers and their work
Foto5 Hotel Blume Baden

Thank you for your interest! You will hear from us soon.

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