Completed project 2020
Hotel Bären, Dürrenroth

<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Bären, Dürrenroth</p>
During renovation
<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Bären, Dürrenroth</p>
During renovation
<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Bären, Dürrenroth</p>
After renovation
<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Bären, Dürrenroth</p>
Final state

Restoration of the dining hall

The historical dining room in the Hotel Bären in Dürrenroth was examined to determine its original colors at the time of construction. Subsequently, cracks on the walls and ceiling were repaired and the surface was cleaned and repainted based on the findings.