Completed project 2020
Hotel Ofenhorn, Binn

<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Ofenhorn, Binn</p>
<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Ofenhorn, Binn</p>
<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Ofenhorn, Binn</p>
<p>Completed project 2020<br
/>Hotel Ofenhorn, Binn</p>

Restoration of furniture, plaster damage, attic

The Ofenhorn Hotel in Binn owns several canapés, which were made for the hotel at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century. Four of these sofas were cleaned, repaired and reupholstered. In addition, the only closet remaining from the period of construction was restored. It originated from local workshops.

Two historic room interiors in Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles were repaired, and the wooden floor in the southern part of the top floor was replaced.

In addition, minor restoration work was carried out on the base area of the facade plaster.