Completed project 2024
Hotel Waldhaus, Sils-Maria

<p>Completed project 2024<br
/>Hotel Waldhaus, Sils-Maria</p>
The banister
Previous condition
<p>Completed project 2024<br
/>Hotel Waldhaus, Sils-Maria</p>
The banister
Work on staircase
<p>Completed project 2024<br
/>Hotel Waldhaus, Sils-Maria</p>
The banister
Work on staircase
<p>Completed project 2024<br
/>Hotel Waldhaus, Sils-Maria</p>
The banister
Final state

Adjustments to the banister

In the Hotel Waldhaus in Sils-Maria, the magnificent banister in the main staircase was adapted to meet current regulations for fall protection. The vertical stakes were extended to the required height and the central element was adapted so that it cannot be climbed on.

The Hotel Waldhaus was built between 1905 and 1908 by the architect Koller under the owners and hoteliers of the time, Josef and Amalie Giger-Nigg. The monumental staircase with its sweeping banisters is part of the hotel's period furnishings and is one of the most valuable Belle Époque staircases in Swiss hotels.